We celebrated Luke Schreier’s 3rd birthday on Sunday evening. He loves fire trucks and when we arrived to the party, the toy truck on top of the cake was already missing in action. After dinner, Luke blew out his birthday candles. With John's help, Luke opened all his presents.
Every year for the last 5 years, we have been a part of the Sports Jamboree with Shann and Sarah Davis. The weekend event is held annually at the Fort Indiantown Gap in Annville, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the weekend is to provide an opportunity for sight impaired and wheelchair users to participate in sports activities. Special equipment is used for the children that allow them to play such sports as basketball, softball, archery, horseshoes, races, bicycle riding, Frisbee throw, etc.
The event weekend starts with a contestant get together and dance on Friday evening. A DJ is hired to play music and the children sing and dance the night away. We also take this time to catch up with our friends from the past years and also to meet the new contestants.
On Saturday after the parade through the army base, the opening ceremonies are held. This year, Riley Wentzler was asked to sing, “God Bless America.”
After a special speaker, it is time to start the games. Together, Amy and Sarah always host a child. Their job is to keep their child company and to also make sure that he/she gets to their events throughout the day. This year, they got to host Tyrell Crosson. Jay and Shann are clowns for the weekend. Their job is to entertain the kids and the families who came to support the contestants. Saturday is a long day, but the contestants are ready to give their very best in the each event. Saturday night is the contestant party. The DJ is back again and the contestants and families can sing karaoke. Here is our new friend, Chosin Rogers singing a karaoke song.
Tyrell Crosson played a special song on the keyboard.
Lucas Leiby also played an excellent tune on the keyboard.
The clowns even participated in the evening by performing a few skits. Here is Bob-o and his friend making the kids laugh.
Jay and Shann with the help of two other friends also acted out a skit, “PICKPOCKET!”
After saying goodnight to a few of our friends, we headed back to the barracks to get some sleep for the next day of competition.On Sunday, there are a few more events, but the highlight of the day is the closing ceremonies. This is where the contestants are recognized for their efforts from the past two days and they get a medal award.
After the closing ceremonies it was time to say goodbye.
What an AWESOME weekend! We cannot wait to see everyone again next year!
We received another medical evaluation from our agency today. The international doctor said once again that Chase seems to be very healthy. We explained to her that we have been praying for him since before he was conceived. She didn't seem to believe this would make a difference but we know that God formed him in his mother's womb knowing that we would be his forever parents.
We also received two more photos. They were taken on June 22, 2010 and he is now six months old.
After much debate about what we should name our son, it is now official, his name is Chase. Chance was a close second. His middle name remains undecided. We are hoping to use a portion of his Korean name in order to honor his heritage.
We met our social worker from Pearl S. Buck International this afternoon. She gave us information on our son and also four photos. These two photos were taken closer to when he was born. These two photos are from April 22, 2010. Our next step is to have his medical records reviewed by an international doctor. Once that is completed, we have a bunch of paperwork to complete so that we can accept the referral. We have been told that we should have him home with us within 4 to 6 months; hopefully before Christmas and his first birthday.