On Saturday, Jay once again got a team together to participate in the annual wiffle ball tournament held at the Montgomery County Community College. The tournament is very intense and his team usually does not do that well. It is a fundraiser for the current MCCC baseball team so Jay tries to go every year to relive his youth. This year, his team, “THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID” consisted of Shann Davis, Nate Derstein, Mike Semko, Jesse Bessler and Andy Gotwals. It was a fun morning and the team won another game this year. They also went out as winners because one of their losses was to the team that eventually won the tournament.
While Amy was watching Braydon and Addison, Griff stopped by with his dump truck to say hello. The kids were excited to see Pop Pop and we got a few photos of them sitting inside the cab. Griff even let Braydon pull on the horn.