Today we had a special visit from Jay’s aunt and uncle from Atlanta Georgia. Aunt Linda and Uncle Ray came to our house with Grammy and Chase entertained them for an hour or so.
2010-2011 - Chase's Adoption Tribute
2011 Family Celebration Video
May 27, 2011
May 26, 2011
May 25, 2011
Harleysville Carnival
The Harleysville Carnival is in town and our small group minus the Derstein’s decided to go.

Merry Mead Farm
This afternoon, Amy and Chase went to Merry Mead Farms with Barb, Gwen, Braydon and Addison.
May 24, 2011
This year was Chase’s first Easter. When he awoke, he was greeted with his very own Easter basket.
May 21, 2011
Three Hot Air Balloons In One Night
While walking in our neighborhood tonight, Jay saw a hot air balloon that looked like it was going to land. Since Chase loves party balloons and had never seen a hot air balloon, we quickly got in our car and headed about a mile away where it landed in a field near the Quakertown turnpike.

About 50 people; including Chase and Amy helped hold the hot air balloon while the crew packed it up.
We were about to leave when we looked up and saw a blue hot air balloon flying overhead. We decided that since it was still early, we would follow the balloon and maybe get to see it land. We were right as it landed about a quarter mile away in the parking lot of Molasses Creek Park.
The pilot was very friendly and even let Chase sit on the basket.
It was getting late and we were ready to leave for home when Jay looked in the rear view mirror and said, “How about one more hot air balloon?” Sure enough, a Remax balloon was getting ready to land near the turnpike. We followed the balloon to where it landed and again, this pilot was very, very friendly. They also allowed us to get close to the balloon as they were packing it up.

On the way home, we were all full of smiles as a night of no plans turned into something very special!
May 20, 2011
Big Boy Chair
This afternoon for snack, we decided to let Chase sit on a dining room chair instead of his high chair. He did very well and was SO proud of himself.
May 13, 2011
Elmwood Zoo
This afternoon, Amy and Chase went with Barb and the Godfrey family to the Elmwood Zoo.
Hopefully next time Jay can go.
Planting A Chase
Tonight Chase helped plant a bush in our front flower bed. Jay dug the hole and then Chase removed the loose dirt and stones.
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