Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

2010-2011 - Chase's Adoption Tribute

2011 Family Celebration Video

August 27, 2011

Getting Some Outside Play Time

The past few months have been the wettest Pennsylvania has seen in a very long time. Today it was not raining, so Amy let Chase and Baby spend a lot of day outside playing in the front yard.

August 21, 2011

Visit With Davis Family In NC

This past weekend, we visited the Davis family for the first time since they moved to North Carolina. We drove down Wednesday evening and arrived after 1:00 am. Shann had to work on Thursday, so we spent the day with Sarah, Caden and Alyssa. After breakfast, we went to a local thrift store to see if we could find any good bargains. Chase really liked the boxing headgear that the kids found buried in the toy section.
Alyssa liked it too.
After the thrift store, we took the kids to the park.
The kids, including Jay really like the one piece of playground equipment that spun around while you hung on it with your hands. They decided to try it while sitting on it. Boy did they have a fun time.

This photo of Chase, Caden and Alyssa is just adorable.
Before Shann arrived home from work, we went swimming in the neighborhood pool.
Shann got home just in time to watch Chase do a jumping into the pool countdown.

Later that evening, we went to Shann’s sister’s house. We had dinner and hung out with Shann’s dad and mom who were babysitting Shann’s sister’s kids.
The motorized cars were a lot of fun.
The next day, Shann got us free tickets to the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science in Durham. They had so many things for the kids to see and do. They played music.
We walked a dinosaur trail that ended at a place where the kids could dig for dinosaur fossils.
Inside one of the buildings was a room that bred and released butterflies.

We also got to see many farm animals. Jay got freaked out when this cow got a little too close.

We then went inside the larger building where there were many hands on things for the kids to play with…including an indoor playground.

On the way home, we ate dinner and then went to a place that had go karts,
bumper boats,
and a ton of arcades.
The last day of our visit we went to Shann’s Merck employee picnic.
They had games set up for the kids to play and win prizes.
This video explains how Chase ended up with the stuffed animal in the photo above. She “tried” helping Chase throw a straw hat into a basket.

The best part of the picnic for Chase was that he got to play on the inflatables.

Sadly, Sunday morning went left to go home. We cannot wait to get together with the Davis’ again. We love you guys!