Tuesday morning, Jay was traveling out to Pittsburgh with a coworker to inspect leaks on several buildings. They were expecting a few snow flurries, but about 7 miles from the facility, it started snowing heavily and the roads started to get very slick. As they were going up a hill, a car coming down the hill had lost control, came across the center line and headed straight towards them. Adam tried to avoid the inevitable, but they were hit on the drivers side and pushed off the side of the road. The good news is that no one was hurt. The bad news is that Jay and Adam were stranded with an undriveable car 3+ hours from Adams's house. After 5 hours, they got a rental car and headed back to Adam's house where Jay's car was. Jay did make it safetly home around 9:00pm tonight.

I meant to post earlier that I saw this--mom called me and had me look here for the damage. Im sorry you all were in the accident, but thankfully you all were safe!