While Baby was enjoying his treat, we opened up our presents. Jay’s big gift was a Nintendo DS Lite…a 35 year old kid. He is also building a computer with his dad so he did not have anything else on his wish list.
For Amy’s gifts this year, Jay had a 30 Rock themed Christmas.
Jay took clips from the television show 30 Rock and edited them to stop right before a clue that was a present. Amy’s big gift was a necklace that was made from the top of her original engagement ring.
Once we were done, we quickly got ready and headed over to Mike and Missy’s house. Jay’s mom and dad also met us there. We spent the next 2 hours with the family opening presents and having a great time.

We left the Myers’ house around noon, stopped back at our house to pick up Baby and then headed to Griff and Barb’s house. This was where we spent the rest of Christmas Day. After an AWESOME meal, we had dessert and then exchanged our Pollyanna gifts.

And Braydon was terrified of his new talking Elmo.

Scott was so excited when he got a new kindle from Jesse…
Griff wanted to immediately make a casserole in his new pan…
What a wonderful, relaxing, stress free Christmas with our family!
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