After Christmas means that it is time for another white elephant gift exchange at the Davis' house. The only disappointment this year was that only 5 couples were able to attend. Even so, we had a great time!

Andrea got to show off her new panties.

Jay got to take home the scary sitting candle man who once again returned for the 4th year in a row.
Sarah apparently loves cooked ham in a can...who knew?

Amy and Shann tried to figure out how to use the adult toy.

The drawn directions were graphic but helpful.

Yes that is Nate with a Chinese toilet seat cover on his head.

Jesse gets the creepy award.
Since the Dallas Cowboys defeated the Philadelphia Eagles in the post season, Jay's white elephant gift was a celebration of the event.
Oddly enough, Michelle thought that the frog was pretty cool so it went home with them. John with Dallas Cowboys merchandise in his house...priceless!
We spent the rest of the night socializing with our AWESOME friends!
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