Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

2010-2011 - Chase's Adoption Tribute

2011 Family Celebration Video

June 26, 2011

Sports Jamboree 2011

This year, Jay went to the Sports Jamboree all by himself as Amy stayed home with Chase (too young), and Shann had just moved to North Carolina a few weeks prior. He was sad that he had to go alone, but once he got to the Fort Indian Town Gap, he had an awesome weekend clowning and reconnecting with all the kids and their family members.
As with past years, Jay performed a skit, "The Candy Store" at the Saturday evening talent show with another friend, Brian Adler.

June 22, 2011

Laundry Helper

Today Chase “helped” Amy with laundry.

It was turned into a teachable moment for Chase to learn clothing identification and also how to repair the inside of a dryer.  Check out the video.

June 19, 2011

Fish Family

Since Chase loves the gold fish that he won at the Lacher And Associates summer carnival picnic and Jay did not want to have to flush a dead fish, we went to the pet store tonight and bought a five gallon fish tank. While at the pet store, we also bought five other fish that have now become part of the Gardocki family.
The fish do not have any names as of yet, but Chase sure does love looking at them each night before going to bed.

June 18, 2011


Chase's adoption finalization hearing is on July 22, 2011 at 9:45am.  We cannot wait to show the world our son.  Only a few more days and Chase will officially be a Gardocki.

June 17, 2011

Lacher & Associates Summer Carnival Picnic

Tonight was Amy’s company work picnic at Franconia Park. They had a carnival themed party and along with a catered meal, there are always a lot of other fun things going on.
One of the biggest highlights of the evening was a pie eating contest. There were initially four main competitors.
Then Amy joined the contest with her small pie.
The pie eating contest was tough to judge. See for yourself.

Ultimately a winner was crowned.
After the pie eating contest, we played our traditional wiffle ball game, said our goodbyes and then headed home with Chase and………………………………………….A FISH?????
Yes, we said fish. All evening, Chase wanted to look at the fish that were the main center pieces of each table. As a parting gift, all of the children got to take home one gold fish. We now have another family member and by the looks of how things are going, Chase seems to love the fish, so more may be on their way.

June 16, 2011

Father's Day Photos

Amy took Chase to Portrait Innovations to have Father’s Day photos taken. Isn’t he adorable?

June 4, 2011

Davis Goodbye Party

Tonight we had a party to say goodbye to our best friends. Shann and Sarah are moving to North Carolina as Shann has accepted a job transfer to be closer to family. We met at the Schreier’s house and enjoyed a grilled meal prepared by John.
After dinner, guys decided to play a few rounds of bocce ball.
Chase even decided to give it a try, but the balls were a bit too heavy.
After we came inside, the adults met to give some going away gifts and to also pray for the Davis family…what an emotional time!
Even though we acted like we were happy Shann and Sarah, the cake that we got for them said it all.
Before leaving, we gave Shann and Sarah a DVD slideshow of our many years of friendship.


June 3, 2011

Slide Time

At small group this evening, the Derstein’s had a slide on their deck. Jay took this photo of Chase after his first nervous attempt. When he hit the bottom of the slide, he smiled and bravely climbed up the slide to do it again and again and again.