Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

2010-2011 - Chase's Adoption Tribute

2011 Family Celebration Video

February 22, 2009

Bridge of Hope Lunch

Sunday, we had lunch at the Franconia Heritage Restaurant in Franconia to support the Bridge of Hope's "Meals with a Purpose." We ate family style and it was very cool because since there were 12 people in our group, we had a whole table to ourselves. The Davis', Schreiers', Gwen, Barb and Griff and us ate until our bellies could not expand anymore.

Griff needed more hands.

Shann was eating everything. At one point, he thought that he saw some food in Jay's ear.


  1. How I missed the info that you had a blog is beyond me. I am a BLOG surfer!!! LOL. Glad to add you to follow!!!
